The Urchin project ended April 30th, 2018
The URCHIN project was a transnational project financed by the Northern Periphery and Arctic Program (2014-2020) that provided a robust platform for innovation, the creation of new technology and dissemination of new and existing technology and knowledge to SME’s, research institutes, businesses, government agencies and other relevant stakeholders throughout the participating countries.
The goal was to stimulate the creation of a sustainable, lucrative and economically beneficial sea urchin industry in the NPA region.
On this revised front page, you will find links to all the outputs from the project as well as information on the workshops and other events.
Even though the project was officially finished on April 30 2018, the project partners will continue to add outputs and information related to the project as/when it is available. We will also be holding a follow up conference in autumn 2018 so please keep an eye on the website if interested.
If you have any questions or queries, you can also contact the project coordinator Philip James, at Nofima.