URCHIN sea urchin network

The attached network list gives names and contact details for the 40 organisations that form the existing network. Network_list_URCHIN

Transport report: Sea Urchin transportation systems for land, sea and air

This report gives a brief introduction to the URCHIN project, funded by the Northern Peripheries and Arctic Programme (NPA) including the aims of this study. The authors recommend that the maximum period for transporting live sea urchins for use in subsequent roe enhancement trial, using the dry techniques described in this report would be between…

Report on Sea Urchin transportation systems for land, sea and air

This report gives a brief introduction to the URCHIN project, funded by the Northern Peripheries and Arctic Programme (NPA) including the aims of this study. The authors recommend that the maximum period for transporting live sea urchins for use in subsequent roe enhancement trial, using the dry techniques described in this report would be between…

Report on Sea Urchin transportation systems for land, sea and air

This report gives a brief introduction to the URCHIN project, funded by the Northern Peripheries and Arctic Programme (NPA) including the aims of this study. The authors recommend that the maximum period for transporting live sea urchins for use in subsequent roe enhancement trial, using the dry techniques described in this report would be between…

Report on sea urchin transportation systems for land, sea and air

This report gives a brief introduction to the URCHIN project, funded by the Northern Peripheries and Arctic Programme (NPA) including the aims of this study. The authors recommend that the maximum period for transporting live sea urchins for use in subsequent roe enhancement trial, using the dry techniques described in this report would be between…

Report on sea urchin transportation systems for land, sea and air

The following report gives a brief introduction to the URCHIN project, funded by the Northern Peripheries and Arctic Programme (NPA) including the aims of this study. The authors recommend that the maximum period for transporting live sea urchins for use in subsequent roe enhancement trial, using the dry techniques described in this report would be…

New Report: Sea Urchin transportation systems for land, sea and air

This report gives a brief introduction to the URCHIN project, funded by the Northern Peripheries and Arctic Programme (NPA) including the aims of this study. The authors recommend that the maximum period for transporting live sea urchins for use in subsequent roe enhancement trial, using the dry techniques described in this report would be between…